A Sad Cup of Coffee

3 min readApr 4, 2021

As I entered the office that morning and made my way around the gray cubicle mazes and musty air, all I could think of was getting to make that great cup of coffee. I worked my way past the water cooler to the dilapidated kitchen. Paper goods are thrown here and there, old microwaves sit next to one another hoping they won’t make it another day, and a sign above them reads “Don’t use both microwaves at the same time, the circuit will break.” I look at the sign and snicker to myself, “Really? Geeez.” Now back to that cup of coffee. After I get all the ingredients in the cup, I begin looking for the creamer. And guess what? Can you guess? There is none! I begin looking through every sticky cupboard. Pushing and shoving things around thinking “There has to be creamer!” Finally, I look in the refrigerator and I do find a large bottle of Hazelnut creamer at the bottom. I have been saved! But as I open it I am greeted with a green moldy cap. And then I just stop. I feel so completely and utterly defeated. The thoughts come fast and sting me with the harsh reality of this pathetic online school I work for. “They just doubled my work load this year. They just keep adding more and more students to my roster. They ask to borrow my car to carry their stuff places! And they don’t even bother to set me up with creamer?!

I am cursing under my breath things like “pathetic SOB’s, what a joke this place is.” I find my way…

